Saturday, October 24, 2009

True buddies

Hey guys, so officially onto my second post!

You ever watch that movie "I love you man"? it's a hilarious movie no doubt, but it hits home on a topic about brosifs, broski's, bro, buddy or just best friend. I think all guys can agree when we say a best friend is hard to find! the movie touches on the fact that this guy spends all his life being a boyfriend and never finds a best friend. Which brings me onto the subject of a bro? what qualifies as a bro and how many would one usually need?

I grew up with some of my "bro's" and can call them whenever i needed help...mind you we have had our spats and issues BUT true broski's can forget about that shit and move on. In my life, I have my cousin, my good friend from school and my brother..maybe they fell into the "family category" but regardless people i can depend on.

I have had potential bro's and lets just say you realize quickly that these guys fall into acquaintances, drinking buddies, or whatever.

So i compromised a list of what a best bro friend would possess(usually)

1) Anytime you are in trouble, this guy is there in a flick of a switch.
2) He isnt a cock block..I REPEAT isn't a cock block, and is ready to take it for the team
3) he might do things, that are out of his character trait, if you ask him
4)Understands he wont make you do things that make you uncomfortable, like if you quit drinking, they would be bro's about it.
5)he is true to his word.
6)he will speak his mind, and will be a bro about things that might hurt your future.

those are some that come to mind, but remember, dont force yourself to find dudes who can be potential brosifs..if its meant to be its meant to be!

later mofo's!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Welcome Welcome

Hi Folks !!

Welcome to man Scream, this is a blog about things that most men encounter, need to know and tips to help them out in everyday life. You might ask, "Hey whats with the name?" its actually a random story. What's that? you want me to share it with you?

Back when i was an intern at a large bank in Toronto, I had a chance to experience halloween with my co workers. We went to a haunted house and low and be hold my manager at the time heard me scream...i had to explain to him that it was a man scream...I was trying to warn them, like lumber jacks do to civilians when they see a bear in the woods...

Hope you like the site and become super duper fans!